In case I disappear

Short films

2008 - 3mins

The starting point for 'In Case I Disappear' was my hometown of Eden, Northern Ireland. It is a film about the memory of a place, a kind of visual and audio journal where atmosphere replaces narrative, conclusions and logic. I worked with the idea that the objects have hidden histories and meaning and are somehow charged with the past. I have used souvenirs from childhood, family photographs, maps, location shots and other ephemera that are edited together to recreate the political, historical and personal landscape of my hometown. The soundtrack is a mixture of manipulated sounds and field recordings from Eden that thread the film together, creating textures and layers as well as the momentum for the film.


  • Winner of the Fourdocs 'My Hometown' Competition, Distributed on Guy Maddin's My Winnipeg through Soda pictures
  • Broadcast January 2009 - Channel 4
  • 6th London Short film Festival (2009)
  • Espace Croisé (2008) Roubaix, France
  • Branchage film festival (2008), Jersey